Summers 1995-1998: Boy Scout Camp Kia Kima, Cherokee Village, AR

Summer Staff for seasonal Boy Scouts of America Camp

    Duties included: High and Low Ropes Course facilitator, Climbing Tower facilitator, Rock Climbing program director.  

    During my last summer working at Kia Kima, I was allowed to start a rock climbing program which trained on a climbing tower for the first few days, then transitioned to an off property rock climbing area.  This had never been done before in the Boy Scouts, and my program became a success.  Years later I found out that the BSA on a national level adopted the program that I started in 1998.  Many participating BSA camps are trained at the original location where the program began and my course requirements became the requirements to earn the new rock climbing and rappelling merit badge.

    I am still an active volunteer for this BSA camp, and have done many volunteer projects at the camp including the construction of a  suspended water slide and numerous repairs to the high ropes course.  This camp was my first camp experience and it will always be dear to my heart.  

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